12 new thermal power plants were put into operation in Iran in the past year

Date: 14:09, 01-08-2014.

Almaty. August 1. Silkroadnews - Since September last year, Iran has put into operation 12 new thermal power plants (TPP), the Iranian News Agency (IrTAG) on Friday.
According to managing director of the energy development of Iran Majid Salehi, six of the 12 TPP were built by private companies of the country.
"The total installed capacity of these power plants is 1,934 megawatts", - he said.
M.Salehi noted that in the current calendar year, which began in Iran on March 21, thermal, nuclear and hydroelectric power plants of Iran have developed nearly 100 thousand gigawatt/hours of electricity.
According to the Managing Director, this year the production of electricity in Iran increased by 7% compared to the same period last year.
At present, Iran is the largest electricity producer in the Middle East.

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