400 tons of flour and 5 thousand tons of diesel fuel will send Kazakhstan to Kyrgyzstan as humanitarian aid

Date: 06:21, 13-04-2015.

Astana. April 10. Silkroadnews - Kazakhstan will send an official humanitarian aid to Kyrgyzstan in the form of tangible assets. Appropriate Government Resolution from April 2, 2015 №185 was published on the website of the legal information system of normative legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The application states that Kazakhstan will send Kyrgyzstan 400 tons of wheat flour, 84 thousand liters of vegetable oil and 5 thousand tons of diesel fuel.
Ministry for Investment and Development of Kazakhstan instructed to ensure timely supply of rolling stock for the transport and delivery of humanitarian cargo with the destination to the Kyrgyz Republic. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan is disposed to control the supply.
This Resolution shall come into force from the date of its signing.

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