74 cases of human trafficking were identified in Kazakhstan in 2014

Date: 10:48, 30-07-2014.

Almaty. July 30. Silkroadnews - In Kazakhstan in 2014 revealed 74 cases of human trafficking, the head of mission of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan Deyan Keserovich.
"In 2014 in Kazakhstan 57 trafficking cases identified from 74 (in 2013 - 87) are trafficking for labor exploitation", - quotes KazTag a press conference on Wednesday.
He noted that since 2004, nearly 3 thousand criminal cases have been opened under the Criminal Code, relating to trafficking.
"In 2014 from the national budget was allocated 1.3 million tenge for shooting social video, preparing leaflets and booklets for people traveling abroad", - said the senior officer of the Human Anti-Trafficking Committee of the criminal police of MIA RK Shynar Kucherbaeva.
The Government of Kazakhstan is developing a plan for combat against human trafficking for 2015-2017 years. The plan includes a legislative, organizational, practical and preventive work.
Statistics of International Organization for Migration for 2004-2014 has been shown that almost 50% of victims of trafficking who have been helped by IOM in Kazakhstan, are citizens of the country, which are mainly exploited in the republic. The second half are citizens of the countries of Central Asia as well as Russia, Moldova, the Philippines and China.
According to the IOM, in Kazakhstan every 7 victims of human trafficking is a minor.

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