A large deposit of niobium and tantalum worth more than $8 billion is planned to be developed in the East China

Date: 06:57, 09-04-2015.

Almaty. April 8. Silkroadnews - Jiangsu Province (East China)  is getting prepared to develop very large deposit of niobium and tantalum, discovered in the village Geyuan povince Henfen, said the agency "Xinhua".
"Experts of the Ministry of Land and Resources of PRC explored in the field about 30 thousand tons of reserves of tantalum, inferred reserves of which can be twice as much" ,- said the publication with reference to the department of geological exploration of the province.
At the field were also explored huge deposits of other minerals. So, niobium reserves are estimated at 46 thousand tons, stocks rubidium exceed 420 thousand tons. In addition, found such non-metallic ores, as feldspar, quartz and jade.
Noted that, the potential economic value of the deposit is more than 50 billion yuan ($8.156 billion).
Development of new fields will enable the province to significantly reduce scarcity of natural resources necessary for the development of emerging industries of strategic importance, says the report.
Tantalum is used in electronic engineering, chemical, aerospace and other industries. Alloys have a high heat resistance and density as well as low oxidizability.
$ 1 = 6.13 yuan

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