A man has been sentenced to nearly 10 years in prison for likes and support of “dissidents” in social media in Tajikistan

Date: 13:28, 10-05-2018.

Beijing. May 10. Silkroadnews - A man has been sentenced to nearly 10 years in prison for likes and support of “dissidents” in social media in Tajikistan, the Tajik Telegraph Agency (TajikTA) reported on Thursday.
Alijohn Sharipov, a resident of the Vakhsh district of Khatlon region, will spend 9.5 years in prison for putting ‘Like’ and ‘Class’ buttons on videos by Muhiddin Kabiri, leader of the Islamic Renaissance (IRPT) banned in Tajikistan, and former deputy minister of defense Abdukhalim Nazarzoda in social media, the media reported citing a source in the court.
According to the source, A. Sharipov has been found guilty of committing a crime under part 2 of Art. 307 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Tajikistan “Public calls to violent change in the constitutional regime of Tajikistan using media or Internet”.
In the autumn of 2015, after the “attempted mutiny” by the former Deputy Minister of Defense of Tajikistan Abdukhalim Nazarzoda, the Islamic party was accused of organizing a coup d’état. The Supreme Court of Tajikistan recognized the IRPT as a terrorist organization and banned its activities on the territory of the state.

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