Afghan President endorsed 7 recommendations of the Commission on electoral reform

Date: 13:19, 07-09-2015.

Almaty. September 7. Silkroadnews - President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani has approved 7 of 11 recommendations of the special commission on electoral reform by issuing a decree, reported Afghan News Agency (AfTAG).
It instructed the Ministry of Justice and the presidential administration to take immediate steps to implement the legal justification of approved recommendations.
Special Commission was also tasked to thoroughly investigate the legal and technical aspects of the recommendations and then submit detailed plans for the implementation of the national unity government through the office of the Prime Minister.
Some of the main recommendations of the Commission on electoral reform include cancellation of previously issued ballots, a change in the voting system where ballots can not be transferred to the parallel section, the establishment of the committee on the transparency of the elections, which will  consider major fraud and complaints of election organizers. As well as development of new conditions for the selection of election commission members.

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