Afghan security forces report one of Al-Qaeda leaders killed

Date: 10:35, 06-12-2017.

Almaty. December 6. Silkroadnews - Afghan security forces, supported by the NATO-led mission “Resolute Support”, report on death of at least 80 militants, including one of the leaders of the terrorist group Al-Qaeda, in the course of the special operation, the Afghan Telegraph Agency (AfTAG) says referring to Tolo channel and National Directorate of Security of Afghanistan.
According to the report, a joint operation was conducted in the provinces of Ghazni, Paktia and Zabul. One of the leaders of Al-Qaeda, Omar Khetab, also known as Omar Mansoor, reported killed, and another 30 members of the organization were detained.
There are no reports on losses among the security forces.

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