Afghanistan resumed recount of the second round of presidential elections

Date: 07:29, 04-08-2014.

Almaty. August 4. Silkroadnews - Afghanistan renewed recount of the second round of the presidential election, according to Afghan News Agency (AfTAG).
The head of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) of Afghanistan Ahmad Yusuf Nuristani said that a recount of the second round of presidential elections will continue, even if the representatives of Dr. Abdullah does not take part in it.
According to the representative of Dr. Abdullah, the UN does not want seriously to take the objections of the presidential candidate against the current list of criteria accoring to which the results of the election can be reset.
Earlier it was planned to renew the recount on Saturday, August 2, but IEC has made concessions to the United Nations, which asked for another day to negotiate with Dr. Abdullah, one of the candidates for the president.

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