Afghanistan will build the new capital worth $80 billion

Date: 13:54, 25-12-2014.

Almaty. December 25. Silkroadnews - Afghanistan prepares to build a modern capital - New Kabul, the project will cost $80 billion, reported Afghan News Agency (AfTAG).
New Kabul will be built adjacent to the existing capital of the territory between the Kabul airport Hadji Ravash and the airfield at Bagram, where is located the US military base.
Deputy Chairman of the NGO Kabul New City Development Elham Omar Hotak, the company signed five agreements with construction companies for the construction of the first 55 residential buildings. Planned area of the new city will be twice bigger than the current and reach 740 square km. This area will consist of 600 thousand houses. Hotak noted that builders expect only the consent of the president to get to work.
Totally New Kabul is expected to be rebuild in 15 years. It will be home for about 2.5 million people. In the current capital, which is destined to become old Kabul resident, estimated 5 to 6 million people, while it is designed for 1 million people.
Implementation of the project cost is estimated at $80 billion. Meanwhile, the entire state budget for next year is approximately $7.9 billion.
As noted, the plan of the New Kabul was developed eight years ago, but its implementation was delayed several times due to worsening of the political situation. Local observers have expressed fears that the New Kabul may remain in the plans, if the international coalition forces finally withdraw from Afghanistan.

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