Air pollution in southwestern city of Iran is 60 times higher than safe level

Date: 08:24, 14-02-2018.

Beijing. February 14. Silkroadnews - Air pollution caused by dust particles in the southwestern city of Iran Ahvaz, Khuzestan province, is 60 times higher than the safe level, having reached the dangerous level, which could adversely affect the population health, the Iranian Telegraph Agency (IrTAG) reports.
“According to the latest data released by the Environmental Protection Organization of the province, the air quality index in Ahvaz on Tuesday showed 9,000 micrograms per cubic meter, indicating that the dust pollution is 60 times higher than the permitted level,” Tasnim News Agency wrote.
According to data available, the air pollution in Mahshahr, Khuzestan, has also reached 2,101 micrograms per cubic meter.
Last month, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, authorized the Iranian administration to allocate $150 million from the National Development Fund for projects to combat heavy air pollution in the country.
The order was issued after on January 22 President Hassan Rouhani ordered Minister of Agriculture Mahmoud Hojjati and Head of the Iran’s Environmental Protection Organization Isa Kalantari to visit the south-western parts of the country to solve the problem of dust pollution in these areas.
In recent weeks, due to heavy dust pollution, the country has closed kindergartens, schools and some organizations in many cities of Khuzestan.

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