All the polluting water resources facilities shall be shut down in 2016 in Hebei

Date: 14:53, 11-01-2016.

Almaty. January 11. Silkroadnews - In 2016, the North China Province Hebei plans to close all the objects serving as major sources of water pollution, “People’s Daily” newspaper reports.
As the Chairman of People’s Government of the province, Mr. Zhang Qingwei said, in 2016 local authorities will take comprehensive measures to improve water quality. Among other issues such measures will also include improvement of basins of lakes Baiyangdian and Henshuyhu, improvement water quality in significantly polluted rivers, protection of drinking water supply sources, water pollution control of coastal waters, improvement of efficiency of 28 wastewater treatment plants, and the closure of all the objects that are sources of serious pollution of water resources.
Hebei is the major source of water for the cities of Beijing and Tianjin. Yet the province still experiences water shortage and high pollution, the newspaper wrote.
Over the years, the water quality in seven major water systems of Hebei is evaluated as the ones of the “moderate pollution” level.

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