An assault on General Abdul Raziq, police chief, was prevented in Kandahar

Date: 11:20, 09-02-2018.

Beijing. February 9. Silkroadnews - An assault on General Abdul Raziq, police chief, was prevented in the southern Afghan province of Kandahar, the Afghan Telegraph Agency (AfTAG) reports.
Attackers were going to come to the general under the pretext of an interview, using a microphone with an explosive device inside.
Fortunately, the intelligence service got a timely information about the attack planned. During the interrogations a person detained suspected of ties with militants disclosed the plans of the attack and the attack prepared at the local radio station has been prevented. The disguised explosive device has been defused harmless.
This is the third attempt to kill Abdul Raziq with a mined microphone since 2013.
The General is known for his intransigent position towards extremists, he also opposes the policy of the President Ghani and supports the opposition by the Governor of Balkh Province Atta Nur.

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