Arab League held emergency meeting on Iranian interference in regional countries’ affairs

Date: 07:30, 20-11-2017.

Almaty. November 20. Silkroadnews - Arab League held emergency meeting on Iranian interference in regional countries’ affairs, the Iranian Telegraph Agency (IrTAG) reported referring to the Arab News portal.
“Arab League foreign ministers held an emergency meeting in Cairo on Sunday to discuss ways to combat Iranian interference in the affairs of regional countries. The meeting was requested by Saudi Arabia, supported by the UAE, Bahrain and Kuwait, and will be attended by Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit,” the report said.
It is noted the meeting was preceded by a meeting of the Arab Ministerial Committee on Intervention in Arab Internal Affairs, which includes Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.
Saudi Arabia’s request for a meeting followed the launch of a ballistic missile from Yemen on November 4, as well as an explosion on the pipeline in Bahrain, blamed on Iran.
Earlier, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir stated on his Twitter account that Iran’s interference in the region harms neighboring countries and international peace and security.
Bahrain’s Foreign Minister Sheikh Khaled bin Ahmed Al-Khalifa also wrote that Iran poses a real danger to the region.
On Saturday, Al-Khalifa also accused Iran of the pipeline explosion.
“The attempt to blow up the Saudi-Bahraini pipeline is a dangerous escalation on Iran’s part that aims to terrorize citizens and to harm the world’s oil industry,” the agency quoted him saying.

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