Atambayev invited the Speaker of the Iranian Majlis on an official visit to Kyrgyzstan

Date: 08:24, 07-09-2015.

Almaty. September 7. Silkroadnews - Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev invited Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani on an official visit to Kyrgyzstan, reports KyrTAG.
During the meeting, the sides discussed issues of expansion of bilateral cooperation. The head of state noted that Kyrgyzstan and the Islamic Republic of Iran have much in common in history and culture.
Ali Larijani, in turn, noted that the official visit of Atambayev to Iran opens "a new era" in relations between the two countries. Majlis Speaker supported the intention to develop a joint 10-year program of cooperation between the two countries.
Atambayev invited Ali Larijani to visit Kyrgyzstan with official visit.

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