Azerbaijan will build patrol boats for Kazakhstani border guard service
Almaty. February 25. Silkroadnews - Azerbaijan will build the patrol vessels and boats for the Border Service of Kazakhstan, reports Trend.
The website of Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan reported these issues were discussed in Baku at the meeting of Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Artur Rasizade with the deputy chairman of the National Security Committee of Kazakhstan, director of the border guard service, colonel Darkhan Dilmanov.
During the meeting the parties noted that the strengthening of bilateral cooperation between Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, including one in the field of border protection, and sharing of best practices between the countries in this regard meet the interests of both countries and will be effective to ensure the border security in the Caspian Sea.
“The important directions of future cooperation also include the construction in Azerbaijan of patrol ships and boats, repair of helicopters and ships for the Border Service of Kazakhstan, trainings of specialists, creation of favorable conditions for the timely and high-quality transport of goods in transit through the Baku International Sea Trade Port playing an important role as a bridge between Europe and Asia,” - a statement said.
It is also noted there are three shipbuilding facilities located in Baku.