Bishkek took 12th place in the rating of CIS cities attractive for Russian business

Date: 12:13, 24-06-2014.

Bishkek. June 24. Silkroadnews - Bishkek took 12th place in the rating of post-Soviet cities attractive for Russian business, reports KyrTAG.
"According to the rating, the most attractive city for Russian business turned city Minsk. Followed by the capital of the Baltic countries, Kazakh cities Almaty and Astana. Among the 20 most attractive cities seventh place was given to Kiev, Tbilisi - the ninth, Bishkek in this ranking is on the twelfth place, "- says the publication.
In creating the attractiveness rating took into account such factors as the country's wealth (GDP per capita, the average wage), the relationship with Russia (Russian share in the total population), the business environment for the Russians (visa regime, ease of purchase of real estate, the conditions of registration of Russian citizen), infrastructure, human resources, financial system, taxes and security.
After examining the rating, you can see that the inflow of direct investment from Russia to Kyrgyzstan is $2 million for comparison Russian invested in Tajikistan $13 million, Kazakhstan - $35 million, Uzbekistan - $540 million (as for September 2013).
Per day direct flights Bishkek - Moscow committed 21 times, Almaty - Moscow - 13, Astana Moscow - 7, Tashkent - Moscow - 19 and Dushanbe - Moscow - 22 times. Such frequency of flights can be explained by the fact that migrants from Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan go to work in Russia.

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