By 2025 all Kazakhstani citizens with have ID documents with fingerprints in chips

Date: 16:03, 18-10-2016.

Almaty. October 18. Silkroadnews – By 2025 all Kazakhstani citizens with have ID documents with fingerprints in special chips within, KazTAG writes.

“The law (providing for universal fingerprinting of population – Silkroadnews) is planned to enter into force on January 1, 2021. (...) And then, I think, in 3-4 years all our citizens will have new identity documents”, head of the migration police department of Ministry of Internal Affairs Serik Sainov said on Tuesday.

He noted that the draft law will soon be submitted for consideration in Parliament, and added, the document provides for a preparatory period in this regard from 2017 to 2020. This time is necessary as a new system would require the internal affairs bodies and agencies to be equipped with special servers and communication channels and to be provided with training of specialists.

Starting from 2021 fingerprinting will be carried out in stages. Firstly, the plan is to carry out fingerprinting for 1.5-2 million people per year with the replacement of their documents at the end of the validity term. In addition, it is also planned to be conducted at the request of the citizens with their registration/re-registration by place of residence, so to cover another 1.5 million people a year.

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