Central Bank of China to continue its monetary policy

Date: 06:50, 20-11-2017.

Almaty. November 20. Silkroadnews - The Central Bank of China will continue its monetary policy, CNTV reported.
“China's central bank said on Friday that it will maintain monetary policy and keep liquidity conditions stable. The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) listed three major tasks, namely serving the real economy, preventing risks, and pushing forward financial reforms, in a lengthy report on the implementation of China’s monetary policy in the third quarter,” the report said.
It explains China will continue its reasonable and neutral monetary policy, facilitate structural reform, pay attention to financial supervision to avoid financial risks, improve the regulatory framework of monetary policy, and deepen reforms in foreign exchange markets.
According to the report, additional efforts will also be made to ensure stable inter-bank liquidity and expand financing.

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