China called Trump’s threat to stop all trade relations with North Korean partners “unacceptable”

Date: 14:41, 04-09-2017.

Almaty. September 4. Silkroadnews – China called Trump’s threat to stop all trade relations with North Korean partners “unacceptable”, New York Post reported.
“China said Monday that President Donald Trump’s threat to cut off trade with countries that deal with North Korea is unacceptable and unfair”, report said.
On Thursday the U.S. President Donald Trump wrote in his Twitter account that the United States is considering halting trade with “any country doing business with North Korea”. The record came after the DPRK conducted another nuclear test. D. Trump’s words were seen as a veiled warning to China, North Korea’s closest ally and commercial partner.
According to Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang, China regards such a situation as “unacceptable”.
“China regarded as “unacceptable a situation in which on the one hand, we work to resolve this issue peacefully, but on the other hand, our own interests are subject to sanctions and jeopardized. This is neither objective nor fair”, the spokesman was quoted saying.
D. Trump said that these measures were under consideration along with other options. However, according to the publication, the move proposed by D. Trump would be too radical, as “the U.S. imports about $40 billion in goods a month from China”.

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