China daily invests more than $127 million in the construction of urban rail transit

Date: 07:08, 09-04-2015.

Almaty. April 8. Silkriadnews - China daily invests more than $127 million in the construction of urban rail transit, says  the agency "Xinhua".
"In 2014, in 36 Chinese cities that were building rail transport facilities with a total length of 3300 km has been invested 285.7 billion yuan. The daily volume of investments exceeded 780 million yuan, up to 33% more than in the previous year ", - says the publication.
According to the State Committee for National Development and Reform Commission, by the end of 2014 in 22 cities in mainland China was built and put into operation 101 line of rail transport with a total length of 3155 km.
Inspector of the basic industries of the State Committee Goyun Lee believes that the unusually rapid development of urban rail transit industry can be attributed to not only the acceleration of urbanization, but also reform that simplify administrative procedures for the review and approval of projects.
It is projected that by 2020 the number of Chinese cities with the conditions for the creation of systems of rail transport will reach about 50.
$1 = 6.13 yuan

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