China has built the reactor body of the fifth power unit at Fuqing NPP

Date: 08:44, 23-08-2017.

Almaty. August 23. Silkroadnews – China has built the reactor building of the No. 5 unit at the Fuqing nuclear power plant, Xinhua agency reported.
Works on reactor body of the fifth power unit for the Fuqing nuclear power plant, built by the China First Heavy Industries (CFHI), have been delivered to the customer, the report said.
The fifth power unit for Fuqing NPP located in Fujian province in the east of China is the first pilot project using the technologies of the third-generation reactor of China’s design Hualong-1. Its construction began on May 7, 2015, the design term of construction was 62 months.
In 2014 China General Nuclear Power Group and CFHI concluded an agreement on development and construction of the reactor body of the fifth power unit for the Fuqing NPP. On April 8, 2017, the reactor successfully completed its hydraulic pressure tests.
According to the publication, at present China has production capacities sufficient to start 15 nuclear power units with a capacity of 1 million kW per year. “Hualong-1” technology, experts note, allowed China to stand level with countries that have advanced nuclear technology.

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