China imposes embargo on imports of iron, coal and seafood from the DPRK

Date: 14:52, 14-08-2017.

Almaty. August 14. Silkroadnews – China imposes embargo on imports of iron, coal and seafood from the DPRK, Russian “Parliamentary newspaper” reported.
From August 15 the government of China imposes embargo on the import of coal, iron, lead and ores of these metals, as well as seafood from the DPRK. The document was published by China’s Commerce Ministry. The countries that have already concluded similar contracts with the DPRK must complete the import of purchased minerals and goods within a month, the report said on Monday.
A ban, it is reported, was also introduced on establishment of new joint ventures with Pyongyang and additional investment into the existing joint business. Countries where North Korean citizens work are prohibited from increasing the number of North Korean employees. Sanctions also prohibit North Korean vessels to enter the other states’ ports.
The U.S. suggest, realization of new restrictions will reduce the DPRK’s annual foreign exchange earnings from $3 billion to $2 billion.
To remind, earlier Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and the Pentagon chief James Mattis called on Beijing and Moscow to cease cooperation and economic assistance rendering to North Korea. On August 5 the UN Security Council toughened sanctions against Pyongyang for the missile tests.

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