China is included among “not free countries” - Freedom House

Date: 17:00, 09-02-2017.

Almaty. February 9. Silkroadnews – China is included among the “not free countries” list in terms of key indicators, report by Freedom House says.

According to the “political rights” grading scale China got 7 points out of 7, where 1 indicates most free and 7 least free.

In terms of “civil liberties” criterion China ranks the same position as last year with 6 points out of 7. In media and Internet, as well as in general evaluation, China has received a status of “not free country”.

In total rating the country ranked 15 out of 100, where 100 indicates the highest level of freedom.

The not-free countries list also included Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.

Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan entered the list of partly free states.

Sweden, Norway and Finland have been recognized as free countries.

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