China's crude oil production decreased 5.1% for the last 7 months

Date: 13:32, 02-09-2016.

Almaty. September 2. Silkroadnews – Influenced by crude oil crisis at the international market and growth of imports China's oil production decreased 5.1% in January-July 2016 in year-to-year comparison, Chinese media reported.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics of China, from April to July the monthly reduction in crude oil production made 5.6%, 7.3%, 8.9% and 8.1% yoy respectively.

At the same time during the first 7 months of this year China's crude oil imports grew 12.1% compared to the same period of last year due to the low crude prices at the international market and import quotas acquired by the private refineries.

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