China’s imports from Russia made 8.5 million tonnes of oil for the first half of year

Date: 09:43, 11-07-2016.

Almaty. July 11. Silkroadnews – In the first half of 2016 Russia provided China with 8 520 000 tonnes of crude oil through the pipeline Russia-China, Xinhua news agency writes.

As reported by Immigration and quarantine control department of Heilongjiang Province (Northeast China), the total volume of oil transported via this pipeline reached 86.51 million tonnes. With this, the department officials also add, this June China imported from Russia 1.41 million tonnes of crude oil on the pipeline.

“Russia is an important supplier of oil for China. For years China has imported crude oil from Russia mostly by railway, yet this method is characterized by high risk and high cost of transportation. Launch of “Russia-China” pipeline in 2011 with a total length of around 1 thousand kilometers opened a new page of Russian oil supplies,” Xinhua notes.

The length of the Chinese-Russian oil pipeline on the territory of Russia is about 72 kilometers, in China – 927.04 kilometers. The initial design capacity of the pipeline formally launched on January 1, 2011, is 15 million tonnes of oil per year, the maximum capacity reaches 30 million tonnes.

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