China to provide free assistance to the Armed Forces of Kazakhstan in the amount of $3.2 million

Date: 08:50, 24-02-2015.

Almaty. February 23. Silkroadnews - China for free grants the Armed Forces of Kazakhstan 30 tractors "Jiefang" and 30 heavy trawls totaling 20 million yuan ($3.2 million). The corresponding decree of the Government from February 4, 2015 was published on the information and legal system website of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
"The Chinese side will bring property to Alashankou border, where it will be handed over to Kazakhstan with the signing of the relevant act between the competent authorities of the Parties", - stated in the decree.
As explained in the document, all costs associated with the delivery of the property to Alashankou border point will provide China, and the subsequent costs through the Kazakhstan will provide kazakh side.
$ 1 = 6.25 yuan

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