China to raise private capital in military industry

Date: 09:33, 06-12-2017.

Almaty. December 6. Silkroadnews - China will raise part of private capital in the military industry, the Global Times reported.
“China will allow more private capital in the shares of military enterprises to deepen military-civilian integration,” the guideline by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China reads.
The guideline notes, China should expand the exchange between military and civilian resources and boost the integration of major objects of military research facilities into the civilian sector.
The document also suggests measures to use the capabilities of the military complex to ensure nuclear facilities security.
“The military industry should better serve national economic development, and hi-tech military industry growth points should be nurtured and developed,” the document says.
According to the guideline, the civil-military integration in the national defense science and technology industry should follow the principle of “being led by the state and operated by the market” to break down the industry barriers.
In addition, the document stresses, the efforts should be made to intensify cooperation of military and civilian enterprises and research institutes.

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