China will become the world's largest cell phone market in 2015

Date: 11:37, 29-04-2015.

Almaty. April 29. Silkroadnews - China will become the world's largest cell phone market in 2015, reported the newspaper "People's Daily".
"This year China will overtake the US and become the world's largest cell phone market", - quoted the newspaper the Deputy Minister of Industry and Information Technology of China Huai Tszinpen.
With such a statement at the ongoing Beijing World Conference on Mobile Internet 2015 H.Tszinpen said that at the present time for the mobile Internet in China is the moment of a powerful development and broad prospects.
According to the new report of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China, currently the number of mobile phone users in China has reached the level of almost 1.3 billion people, while the number of mobile Internet users reached 900 million people. The impact of the mobile Internet is already manifested in all spheres of life.
Deputy Chairman of the Chinese Society of Internet users Gao Xinmin said that the mobile Internet has changed the trends of development of the Internet in general, and allowed to advance to the next stage of the development of a worldwide network, including its Chinese segment.

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