China will remove restrictions on foreign investment in the production of goods and services sector

Date: 13:53, 06-03-2015.

Almaty. March 6. Silkroadnews - China will remove restrictions on foreign investment in the production of goods and services, said the agency "Xinhua".
Premier Li Keqiang promised to create "a stable, fair, transparent and predictable" business environment, saying that China will revise the industry of foreign investment to ensure the same level for both own and foreign companies.
In its report L.Keqiang indicated that China plans 7% of GDP growth this year.
The Chinese leadership seeks to redirect the economic structure of the country with export and investment model to a system more focused on domestic consumption, which will create favorable conditions for profit from the Chinese consumer market by international investors, the report says.
As noted L.Keqiang, China is ready to assist in talks on free trade and investment agreements concluded with the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf and Israel, as well as to continue the dialogue with the US and EU to sign investment agreements.

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