China will strengthen the outsourcing industry in high-tech

Date: 07:17, 27-11-2014.

Almaty. November 27. Silkroadnews - China will strengthen the outsourcing industry in the service sector to create new competitive advantages in foreign trade, the agency "Xinhua".
As stated at the meeting of the State Council, chaired by Premier Li Keqiang, the sector has been characterized as the "green industry", which will be the new engine for the tertiary industry and the positive impact on employment growth.
Notes that will be supported the field of outsourcing services related to software and information technology, research and development, finance, and government activities. Also at the meeting was approved the enterprise support for projects with high added value, including outsourcing in the field of knowledge and business processes for the development of foreign markets.
According to the information China will create several leading enterprises specializing in outsourcing in the service sector, will be stimulated the development of small and medium-sized companies of specialization.
The central government is also considering the introduction of tax incentives for businesses in advanced technologies or outsource the service sector.
However, it was considered the possibility of expanding the channels of financing through financial institutions, insurance companies and government policy banks, as well as by entering the stock exchange.
"Companies in this sector will also receive preferential treatment in customs clearance, currency control and in the hiring of foreign employees," - said in a statement.
The meeting approved other stimulus measures include strengthening the protection of intellectual property and work under the control of the government.

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