Chinese companies begin the Electrification of Iranian Railway

Date: 13:55, 01-07-2014.

Tehran. July 1. Silkroadnews - Iranian conglomerate Mapna Group signed a contract with two Chinese companies CMC and Supower on the electrification of the railway line connecting the capital with the Iranian city Mashhad in the north-east of the country, reports the Iranian news agency.
Under the contract, which was signed on Sunday, the work on the electrification of the railway system should be completed within 42 months.
According to General Director of the Iranian Railroad Muhsin Purseyeda Agai, electrification of 900 km line will increase the speed of trains. The volumes of passenger traffic will grow to 32 million people a year, and it will become less energy-intensive branch.
After completion of the project, the branch will serve high-speed trains that will reduce travel time between two cities to 6 hours, added CEO.

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