Chinese company will build the second stage of TPP "Dushanbe-2" in Tajikistan
Almaty. May 14. Silkroadnews - "Chinese company Tabian Apparatus Stoc Co. (TBEA) began the practical implementation of the project on construction of the second stage of TPP "Dushanbe-2", - informs the TajiTA.
In parallel, the Chinese company is engaged in laying pipes of heating line, which will run from TPP to 103th district and near the bus station.
After the commissioning of the second stage of TPP "Dushanbe-2" designated areas will get hot water.
Production capacity of the second stage of the TPP will be 300 megawatts of electricity and 167 Gcal of heat. Power facilities will operate on coal. However, will be installed a special equipment, which, if necessary, will put the enterprise on gas consumption.