Chinese military have created a website for citizens to report leaks and fake news

Date: 14:37, 20-11-2017.

Almaty. November 20. Silkroadnews – China’s military have created a website for citizens to report about leaks and fake news, the Straits Times reported.
“China’s military yesterday launched a website inviting the public to report leaks and fake news, as well as illegal online activities by military personnel,” the report said.
It is explained that citizens are encouraged to use the platform to report on online content that distorts the history of the army and the Communist Party and belittles their leadership role. In addition, through the website it is proposed to report on military personnel illegally opening accounts in social networks and publishing inaccurate information.
As the publication reminds, last Thursday, China’s top cyber authority rejected a recent report of the U.S. non-governmental organization Freedom House ranking China last in terms of Internet freedom.

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