Chinese President Xi Jinping has been invited to visit Ukraine

Date: 09:34, 06-12-2017.

Almaty. December 6. Silkroadnews - President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has met with Vice Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China Ma Kai and conveyed an invitation to Chairman of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping to visit Ukraine, the Kazakh Telegraph Agency (KazTAG) reports.
“P. Poroshenko conveyed an invitation to President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping to pay a visit to Ukraine,” the report said.
“Ukraine’s interest in Belt and Road initiative realization, with one of the priorities to attract China’s technological opportunities and investments in Ukraine’s transport infrastructure development, has been affirmed,” the information says.
Poroshenko has marked the visit of the Vice Premier of the PRC Government to Ukraine for the 3rd meeting of the Ukrainian-Chinese intergovernmental commission on cooperation as a milestone for the bilateral partnership relations development.
The parties also touched on constructive nature of the bilateral political dialogue, including one at the top level, and emphasized the need to support its high dynamics.
“The head of the state gave high appraisal to the results of the third meeting of the Ukrainian-Chinese intergovernmental cooperation commission held in accordance with previous agreements with the Chairman of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping,” the report said.

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