Chinese scientists made a new record in quantum computing

Date: 14:28, 05-07-2018.

Beijing. Jul 5. Silkroadnews - According to the recent study published in the journal Physical Review Letters, Chinese physicists have achieved quantum entanglement with 18 qubits, surpassing the previous world record of 10 qubits, which was a significant step towards the implementation of large-scale quantum computing, China Daily writes.
Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon in which two or more entangled subatomic particles, or qubits, can theoretically influence each other simultaneously regardless of distance. The idea was so contradictory that Albert Einstein laughed at it.
The process is extremely complex, and researchers have to overcome the decoherence effect - the destruction of quantum states by outside interferences – if they wish to use this phenomenon for any applications.
Physicist Pan Jianwei, along with his colleagues from the University of Science and Technology of China, Anhui Province, has achieved a new record, simultaneously using three different degrees of freedom - paths, polarization and orbital angular momentum - of six photons, the fundamental particles of light.
The combination of results led to a stable state of 18 qubits. According to the study, full control over the amount of entangled particles determines the fundamental ability of processing quantum information.
The previous record was also established by Pan and his colleagues. His team achieved a stable 10-qubit entangle state back in 2017. In addition to the record in the number of entangled particles, China also holds the world record of sending pairs of entangled photons over 1200 kilometers, an achievement that could pave the way for creating a global, hack-proof Internet.

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