Chinese scientists successfully cloned monkeys

Date: 10:03, 26-01-2018.

Beijing. January 26. Silkroadnews - Chinese scientists successfully cloned monkeys, the “People’s Daily” newspaper reported.
“Researchers in China officially announced they had successfully cloned two monkeys. Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua, both female monkeys, were cloned from fetal fibroblasts, a cell found in connective tissue,” the report said.
The cloning method involves removing the nucleus from the donor egg and replacing it with another one, derived from the cell from another animal.
In terms of their properties somatic cells are close to germ cells. It is a type of cell whose genetic information does not pass to the next generation, like germ cells.
Zhong Zhong was born on November 27, and Hua Hua was born on Catholic Christmas.
Both monkeys feel good and stay under the supervision of a research team that has been working on a cloning project for five years already.
After the Dolly lamb was cloned in Scotland in 1996, scientists have successfully cloned more than 20 other species, including cows, pigs, dogs, rabbits, rats and mice. But cloning primates have not been successful so far.
“The Chinese team succeeded by using modulators to switch on or off certain genes that were inhibiting embryo development,” the report reads.

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