Cultural center in Almaty offer to create a channel broadcasting in the languages of the people of Kazakhstan
Almaty. August 5. Silkroadnews - Almaty cultural centers proposed the creation of a TV channel broadcasting in the languages of the peoples of Kazakhstan, transmits KazTAG.
"In accordance with the law "On Languages" broadcasting channel "Birlik" ("Unity") is assumed in the official language, the language of inter-ethnic harmony, international (English) and the language of a particular nationality", - said the executive director of the Association of Tatars and Bashkirs of RK Rinat Abdulhalikov at a roundtable in Almaty on Tuesday.
He stressed that the channel must be owned by the state and its policies adhere the broadcast in the format of "trinity plus one language".
Also R. Abdulhalikov believes that the new project should have a public council.
"Birlik", according to R. Abdulhalikov, could become a satellite backbone of tele source, such as television and radio as "Kazakhstan" on a par with «KazSport» and «Bilim zhane Madeniet".
In turn, the chairman of the Tatar center of human development "Ildash" Nuria Niyazova noted that the new channel should have family entertainment, broadcast the masterpieces of national film studios of the former USSR, tell about people from different nationalities who have achieved public recognition from ethnic families, create educational programs in different languages.
Discovery channel "Birlik" in 2015, declared the Year of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, that is highly symbolic.