Dozens of child pornography and suicide websites are accessible in Kyrgyzstan – human rights activist

Date: 16:59, 20-03-2014.

Bishkek. March 20. Silkroadnews – 57 child pornography websites and 47 suicide webpages are accessible on the territory of Kyrgyzstan, as the director of the “Civil Initiative on Internet Policy” public foundation, Tattu Mambetalieva, imforms.
“Many dangerous websites that are blocked in other countries are accessible for the Kyrgyz public.  For example, there 57 child pornography webpages that are accessible. Many site provide instructions on making weapons at home.They have been blocked in Russia for a long time now, but still function here without any limitation. 47 pages explain different ways of committing suicide”, Mambetaliyeva said at the round table in Bishkek.
She thinks law enforcement bodies should have already taken necessary actions.
“We tend to blame law enforcement bodies every now and then. However, we should admit that they were successful at containing extremist threats. I don’t understand why some other law enforcement bodies don’t recognize threats coming from the internet as real dangers”, she complained.

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