EEC staff can be arrested for disclosure of confidential information

Date: 07:38, 19-03-2015.

Astana. March 18. Silkroadnews - Kazakhstan ratified an agreement on the protection of confidential information within the EEC, reported the press service of the President of Kazakhstan.
"President Nursultan Nazarbayev signed the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Ratification of the Agreement on the protection of confidential information and responsibility for its disclosure in the implementation by the Eurasian Economic Commission powers to monitor compliance with uniform rules on competition", - said in a statement on the website of Akorda on Wednesday.
The agreement provides the liability for disclosure of confidential information. The accountability of the Commission will be held after the withdrawal of immunity as follows: to the civil liability by the place of residence; criminal and administrative responsibility by citizenship.
The adoption of this document will ensure the full entry into force an agreement on the rules of the EAEC in transmission of EEC powers of control over the observance of common competition rules on cross-border markets, as well as will implement a number of decisions of the Board of EEC; streamline the procedure for the exchange of confidential information, and establish responsibility for its disclosure in the implementation of the Eurasian Economic Commission powers to monitor compliance with uniform rules on competition.

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