Electricity shortage in Kyrgyzstan in 2015 is expected to reach 4.2 billion kWh

Date: 16:34, 25-08-2014.

Almaty. August 25. Silkroadnews - Power shortages in Kyrgyzstan in 2015, according to the government's forecast will exceed 4 billion kWh, said KyrTAG.
"The growth of the country's economy will inevitably lead to an increase in electricity consumption. For example, the growth in demand by 5% per year annual increase in energy consumption projected at 1.5-2 billion kWh per year, ie the volume of newly commissioned capacities each year should reach 170-200 MW. If growth is rapid (7-10% per year), the numbers would be higher by 30-40%",- said the head of government Joomart Otorbayev.
According to him, last year accumulation of water in the Toktogul reservoir was quite favorable, but even with that all the energy produced (14 billion kWh) country consumed exclusively for its own needs. "We hardly have passed the autumn-winter period", - added J. Otorbayev.
"This year, the reasons for the energy crisis began with water scarcity, increase in electricity consumption by household consumers and businesses", - he said.
The prime minister proposed to develop a new strategy for the energy sector with the corresponding investment plan, providing medium and long term solution to problems. The strategy has to include all projects for reconstruction of the energy infrastructure for the generation of new capacity.
He also noted the need to develop a long-term strategy of development of gas and heat supply.
According to him, to solve the problems in the energy sector in 2016 it is expected to introduce a second unit of Kambarata-2 (about 100 MW), the completion of the reconstruction of Bishkek HPP (300 MW), in  2016-2018 the construction of the Upper Naryn cascade HPP (about 240 MW).

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