Financial income of China in 10 months rose by 7.7% to 13 trillion

Date: 14:01, 13-11-2015.

Almaty. November 13. Silkroadnews - China's financial revenue for 10 months reached 12 trillion 884.8 billion yuan with an increase of 7.7% compared to the same period last year, Xinhua news agency reported.
From January to October, the amount of value added tax increased by 2.3%, excise taxes - 17.2%, sales tax - 11%, but the collection of enterprise income tax decreased by 3.9%.
In the first ten months of the year fiscal spending in China reached 13 trillion 415.4 billion yuan, up by 18.1%. In particular, in October, they totaled 1 trillion 349.1 billion yuan with an increase of 36.1%.
During this period of time, receipt from the transfer of rights to the use of public lands in the country reached 3.043 trillion to 2 trillion yuan, a decrease of 32.2% compared to the same period last year.

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