First Lady of Afghanistan will help women "to assert their importance in the family"

Date: 09:41, 15-10-2014.

Almaty. October 15. Silkroadnews - Wife of Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai named Rula, who became the first lady of the country after joining her husband as president of Afghanistan, has expressed her intention to improve the situation of Afghan women in society, transmits Afghan News Agency (AfTAG).
In an interview with the Los Angeles Times Rula Ghani said she was not going to challenge the social norms of the country, but she is going to assist women in the framework of existing institutions.
President's wife regretted the fact that many of its interlocutors are biased against her position on women's issues, perceiving protect the rights of the fair sex as their de facto separation from the family.
According to Rula Ghani, the family should not lose its value in the Afghan society, and education and employment will provides women the opportunity to support relatives and friends, to strengthen their role in the family.
Earlier personality of Rula Ghani has been criticized by opponents of the Ahmadzai as a politician's wife who comes from a Lebanese family, who is Christian, and for many years with her husband lived in the United States.
Nevertheless, the First Lady said that her education has caused the respect of her husband's relatives, allowed her to learn the language of Dari and eventually get used to the Afghan tradition.
Rula Ghani says she does not feel like a stranger in Afghan society, and asks not to overestimate the influence of religion on its part in support of women and Muslim husband.

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