FISU President not allowed to enter Ministry building in Astana

Date: 16:35, 04-04-2014.

Astana. April 4. Silkroadnews –The FISU (International University Sports Federation) President Claude-Louis Gallien was scandalously not allowed to enter into the Ministry building. The incident happened during Mister Gallien’s official visit to Kazakhstan, as the well informed source reports.
Right before Mister Gallien’s scheduled meeting with the officials from the Republican Ministry of Tourism and Sport, the FISU President was not allowed to enter the Ministry building in Astana.
“The FISU President had a scheduled meeting with senior sporting officials from the Ministry. He was planning to discuss ongoing preparation to the Winter Universiade 2017 in Kazakhstan. However, security officers did not allow him to enter the building”, the source says.
Claude Louis Gallien has an implanted cardiostimulator in his heart. Upon entering the building, Mister Gallien showed security officers European certificate that indicates he has an implanted cardiostimulator in his heart. Showing such a certificate is a standard procedure for entering International Airports and other heavily guarded places. However, the security officers at the Ministry building insisted that Mister Gallien needs to either give them the certificate issued in Kazakhstan or to go through the electronic security gate.
“Frustrated with the way he was being treated, the guest turned around and decided to leave the building”, the source continues.
It the first official visit of FISU President to Kazakhstan. As Almaty is to host the 28th Winter Universiade 2017,  the main aim of his visit is to meet with Almaty and government officials.

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