Foreign tourists to pay $2 hotel tax in Uzbekistan
Almaty. January 12. Silkroadnews – Foreign tourists will be charged with a $2 hotel tax in Uzbekistan, Uzbek Telegraph Agency (UzTAG) writes.
According to draft resolution of the cabinet of ministers “On measures on further support and development of tourism in the Republic of Uzbekistan”, the foreign tourists, as well as stateless persons and citizens of Uzbekistan without a permanent residence in the country will be charged a hotel tax for each day of stay at the hotel (staying a half of day will still cost you the full tax pay).
“Regulation requires the hotels to open special foreign currency accounts in banks where the hotel tax will be transferred to. The amount received will be used to form the Tourism support fund under the State Committee for Tourism Development”, the statement said.
The hotels will also be required to keep automated records on the number of guests staying and provide this information to the State Committee.
The debt resulting from unpaid tax gap is said to be settled by the hotels at their own expense.