Forms and types of KazTAG services on the state order complied with the requirements – expert says

Date: 17:35, 02-09-2016.

Almaty. September 2. Silkroadnews – Forms and types of KazTAG services on the state order for 2014 and 2015 complied with the requirements, Head of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics at the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Evgeniya Zhuravlyova said.

«Types of services assume different kinds of assistance or benefits provided, and can be private and commercial, free and paid, legal, accounting, informational, educational, etc. In this case the point is about providing information statements. The service rendering form is a daily publication of news items on the internet resources platforms. Therefore, on the basis of material provided it is fair to say that the forms and types of services rendered in 2014-2015 by LLP «IIA «KazTAG»» on contracts №58 dated August 14, 2014, and №82 dated May 21, 2015, comply with the state information policy promotion», KazTAG quotes E. Zhuravlyova saying in court.

With this the expert noted, the materials in Kazakh and English languages are not identical with those in Russian.

«The contracts do not stipulate that the materials should be identical. The presented information materials are in Russian and English, though not all the materials are presented in all three languages. Here I cannot say (whether the content of the published materials – Silkroadnews) is the same in three languages. It is seen from the number of published materials. I looked through one month. I determine it through simple calculation», she said.

Also E. Zhuravlyova stated, with reference to Article 2 of Kazakhstan's Law «On mass media», that the publication of information on the charged basis prevents  the state information policy coverage, though agreed that information published in the print media is not a free for people as well.

«I agree that the media provides information on a paid basis, we pay for Internet even. That is, if it is a closed access, it does not mean it is limited to all. And I will not buy a newspaper (for free – Silkroadnews)», she added.

She also said the technical specifications did not provide any ban for publications to be done on a paid basis.
«There was nothing said about an access. There was no word «open» or «closed». It was not a subject of study», E. Zhuravlyova noted.

When asked by the lawyer what knowledge she, being a philologist, used when interpreted the provisions of law of Kazakhstan on mass media she referred to in her conclusion, she answered she did it «using the dictionaries».

«With the help of dictionaries, linguistic literature. Using the linguistic knowledge within the competence determining the scope of the linguist's professional activities. That is within the linguistic competence», she said.
It was obvious though the expert E. Zhuravlyova was not familiar with the meaning of «regulatory legal act» term quite well.

She also specified, the examination was carried out on the order of National anti-corruption bureau on the contracts for the provision of paid services. Within this department the expert got acquainted with all the documents considered.

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