Growth in number of moviegoers in small cities in China contributes to country’s film market development

Date: 14:34, 07-03-2018.

Beijing. March 7. Silkroadnews - Residents of Chinese cities of the third- and fourth- tier contribute significantly to box office sales, the latest statistics published by the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of China show, “People’s Daily” reports.
During the celebration of the Chinese New Year from February 16 to 21, a total of 143 million moviegoers across the country contributed 5.664 billion yuan ($897 million) to the box office sales. The figures show a 68% and 60% increase for cities of the third- and fourth-tiers respectively, compared to the same period last year.
Cash collection, for the most part, has been ensured by young generation returning to the cities of the third- and fourth- tiers and taking their family members with them.
Box office sales in these cities have grown over the recent years, as a result of the rapid development of the Chinese film industry. It also signifies the cultural and recreational demands of young people in these cities, the report reads.
These third- and fourth-tier cities have bigger market potential than the first- and second-tier markets which have already become saturated after years of fast development.

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