Head of Paraguay Horacio Cartes resigned

Date: 08:28, 29-05-2018.

Beijing. May 29. Silkroadnews - The President of Paraguay, Horacio Cartes, resigned, “to continue serving the country in the Senate, carrying out the people’s will expressed during the voting,” the Kazakh Telegraph Agency (KazTAG) wrote with reference to RBC.
According to media, his resignation will be approved or rejected by the Senate on May 29, and if approved Cartes will head the Senate of Paraguay in June.
As noted, H. Cartes has been in power since 2013. In August, he would have to leave his post. The presidential elections in Paraguay were held on April 22. The winner was the candidate from the ruling conservative party “Colorado” Mario Abdo Benítez, who has been supported by 46% of voters. 42% of Paraguayans voted for his rival, candidate from the opposition coalition “Grand National Renovating Alliance” Efrain Alegre. In 2015-2016 M. Benítez headed the Senate of Paraguay. He will become the 51st president of the republic and will take office in August 2018. The head of the state in Paraguay is elected for five years.

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