In 2016 Uzbekistan plans to save over 500 million kW/h of electricity
Almaty. May 27. Silkroadnews – Due to a number of measures to reduce the energy capacity Uzbekistan expects to save more than 500 million kW/h of electricity and 150 million cubic meters of natural gas, the Uzbek Telegraph Agency (UzTAG) reports.
“With the introduction of renewable energy sources in the basic sectors of the economy the overall savings are expected to amount to 250.1 million kW/h in electricity and 3 million cubic meters in natural gas,” the ministry of economy notes.
The project by the ministry of economy of Uzbekistan and the World Bank group on “The industrial enterprises’ energy efficiency improvement” plays a significant role in energy consumption reduction. It provides the industrial enterprises with a lending mechanism to carry out activities to upgrade the current technologies and equipment and replace them with the more modern and more energy-efficient technologies and equipment.
More than 30 enterprises operating in the oil and gas, mining, chemical, construction, processing and power generation sectors of the national industry received such a support within the project framework. They realize more than 80 sub-projects. Their successful completion will annually save up to 540 million kW/h of electricity and up to 252 million cubic meters of natural gas.