In 2017 China to launch the first satellite to get high-resolution imagery of Earth at night

Date: 16:16, 08-02-2017.

Almaty. February 8. Silkroadnews – This year China plans to launch its first land remote sensing satellite, enabling to get high-resolution imagery of Earth at night, Chinese media reported.

According to the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC), the satellite has been developed by Wuhan University specialists. As the head of the research group of the project said, the satellite will be equipped with high-sensitivity cameras to get high-resolution imagery of Earth at night.

“You will be able to see all the bridges with lights across the Yangtze River, as well as take pictures with higher than American satellites resolution, at night”, he said.

In 2019 it is planned to launch the second satellite of this series equipped with a radar to obtain data on surface geometry and changes on the Earth’s surface.

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