In Central Asia and Europe observed the world's lowest rate of malnutrition among the population - FAO
Almaty. June 22. Silkroadnews - According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - Central Asia and Europe have the world's lowest rate of malnutrition among the population - less than 5%, according to the UN news center.
This means that currently in the region there are less than 6 million people who suffer from hunger, in the early 1990s, these number amounted to 9.9 million.
Europe and Central Asia are close to achieving the goals of the World Summit of halving the absolute number of undernourished people by 2015.
The population of most countries of Eurasia have access to food with sufficient calories. Rates of malnutrition among the population is high in only one country in the region - in Tajikistan. However, this country has also achieved significant progress in comparison with the 2005-2007 years.
Despite the positive news, rich and poor countries in the region are suffering from hyponutrition. Some people suffer from micronutrient deficiencies, while others are overweight.
Experts warn that the growing number of children who are overweight can become a very serious problem for the national health care in post-Soviet and Balkan countries.